How to Play Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino table games and is widely played by casino players around the world. In this article, we will provide a thorough and comprehensive review of blackjack games available at leading online casino sites in Malaysia with our team of experts who have conducted extensive and thorough research and study.

How to Play Blackjack

The objective of this game is simple, you want to beat the dealer by the number of 21 points on the card in your hand or the number of points closest to 21, but cannot exceed 21 points. If it exceeds 21 points it is called bust or fail.

The deck has a value on each card. Cards numbered 2-10 have the same points as the number on the card, for jack , queen , and king 10 points each, while sat or ace is valued at 1 or 11 points, up to the player to decide the value of the card during the game.

Here are some of the terms in the game of blackjack.

  • Hit : the player asks for an extra card.
  • Stand : the player does not want any extra cards.
  • Split : if you get two identical cards, such as ace-ace , 5-5, and so on, then you can ask for a split . This convenience allows you to split your card into two different bets.
  • Double down: the player requests one additional card by raising the bet amount to double the original bet.
  • Soft : if you have an ace and a soft calling card 17.
  • Insurance: If the dealer’s open card is ace, the player can buy insurance. If the dealer gets a blackjack, you will be paid double. But if the dealer doesn’t get his blackjack other than card 10. For example, an ace plus a 6 card, if this position is folded, your money will be lost.
  • Surrender: the player surrenders defeat and loses half of the bet amount.

How To Get Started

To start playing casino blackjack games, you need to join and register as a new member on the online casino gaming site. Once all your registrations are authorised, make your first deposit. By making a deposit, you stand a chance of getting a welcome bonus, which you can later use to play and hone your blackjack skills without using your own money.

Blackjack for Android

Firstly, choose any blackjack gaming site on your preferred casino site. After placing a bet, the dealer will give each player two cards. If you get a card ace with one of the cards a jack, queen, king or a 10, this means you got a blackjack, but if you get a total of 21 points with three or more cards in hand, for example, 8+9+5, this is not a blackjack, but is called ’21’.

Blackjack Strategy

Blackjack is a game that doesn’t rely solely on chance. Therefore, it requires adequate skills and strategies to be able to increase your chances of winning and subsequently earn a decent amount of money from this game.

Here are some blackjack game strategies our team of experts provided that we share with you.

  • If the dealer opens the first card and it is worth 10 points, whether the card is jack, queen, king or 10, consider giving up or taking surrender. Moreover, the card in your hand is only worth 15 points. This is because there is a high chance that you will lose.
  • If the cards in your hand are worth at least 17 points or soft 17, keep playing. This is because you have a high chance of winning.
  • Consider taking a double down if the cards are below 11 points.
  • If the cards in your hand are worth 12 points, you may either surrender or take hit. But you need to remember that if you take a hit, you need to place another bet for the amount of your original bet, and your probability of losing is 30%. But if you give up, you will only lose half of your bet amount.
  • Avoid playing in emotionally unstable situations, such as stress or intoxication.
  • Stop playing and take a break if you’re having a bad day at the game.

Blackjack Demo Mode

Playing blackjack in demo mode is a medium to hone your blackjack skills. This is because, the demo mode allows you to play and enjoy all the variations of the game and the chance of trying out the different features of each online blackjack game. Moreover, playing demo mode allows you to plan and establish better casino blackjack game strategies that you can later use in the real game. This is because, everything is free and risk-free.

The game characteristics and facilities of the demo mode blackjack game are no different from blackjack using real money. All the strategies and any systems in the demo mode blackjack game can be found in real money blackjack.

Therefore, make the best use of this demo mode blackjack game to improve your game, this is because the blackjack game does not only depend on chance and fate alone, the player’s skills and knowledge of the game are very important when playing on any blackjack game.

Types of Blackjack Games

As one of the most favoured and widely played casino games by players around the world. Blackjack comes with a simplicity and strategic depth that led to the development of numerous variations of the game with unique features and rules. Understanding and learning the various variations in the blackjack game can not only broaden your horizons and knowledge, but also add additional fun to the player.

The following are some of the variations and types of casino blackjack games that you can find in all online casino sites, namely classic blackjack, American, European, progressive blackjack, and more.

But you need to know, although this game has many variations and differences in the game, but in general it is the same. Therefore, you need to familiarise yourself with the rules first. For example, not all variations of the game allow for the swapping of cards on two hands, there are side bets, and also not all variations of the game use the same number of decks.

Classic Blackjack

In the classic game of blackjack, the number of cards used is a deck of diamonds. The game starts with each player and trader receiving two cards each. Players can see their own cards, while traders need to open a piece of their card so that players can see it. Players can then decide their next move, either hit, stand, or double down and so on.

If the dealer gets a blackjack, the game is over and all the bet money belongs to the dealer, but if you also get a blackjack, then this position is considered push or draw and your bet will be refunded. But if you get a blackjack and the dealer doesn’t get a blackjack, then you will get a possible payout of 1×1.5 of your bet amount.

In the game of blackjack there is a basic rule for traders, that is, if the trader has a total of 16 points and below cards in hand, the trader must add more cards (hit), and if the trader gets a total of 17 points or more cards in hand, then the trader must take stand.

Live Blackjack

Live blackjack refers to an online casino blackjack game played with real traders directly through the convenience of video transmission. Players can see dealers sharing cards and interacting with them just like in a real casino. In other words, live blackjack games offer the same gameplay as playing in an in-board casino but with the convenience of playing using mobile devices from the comfort of your own home.

Not all live casino games are brought directly from the actual casino, but there are some online casino sites that use studios as a venue to host live blackjack games. Even so, it has the same features and conveniences that can give you a unique and fun gaming experience.

Playing live blackjack can add to a player’s confidence, this is because they can see first-hand the cards being played by the dealer and other players. Moreover, live games allow you to execute strategies that may be harder for you to implement when playing against an RNG dealer.

American Blackjack

American blackjack is a type of blackjack game that is usually played in casinos across the great land of America. This type of game is one of the most popular blackjack variations in the world. American blackjack uses six to eight decks of tarps.

Generally, American blackjack and classic blackjack games are the same, there are only a few differences. Here are some rules in the game of American blackjack.

  • Players may request double down even if the cards in their hands are not equal. It differs from the classic game, when only players who have two pieces of the same card are allowed to request double down.
  • In American blackjack there is an even money rule. You can request even money if you get a blackjack and the dealer’s open card is ace. If you select even money, you will be paid no matter whether the dealer gets a blackjack or not.
  • In American blackjack, players are not allowed to ask for surrender. You can only take the insurance if you think that the trader gets blackjack.

Blackjack switch

Blackjack Switch is a variation of the blackjack game designed by Geoff Hall in 2000. Since then, Blackjack Switch has become one of the most popular blackjack game variations in online casinos around the world.

In the Switch blackjack game, players get four pieces of cards in two hands. This means, there are two bets you need to place. And interestingly, you can swap the four card pieces in your hand to get the best combination. It differs from classic blackjack in that you only get two cards in hand.

After the cards are dealt out, players can decide whether to swap their cards or not, and the game continues as usual. In the Switch blackjack game, you can ask to hit, stand, double down, split , and more. But there is one interesting and unique rule in Switch blackjack. If in classic blackjack, the number of 22 points means bust or flop, but in switch blackjack, a dealer who gets 22 points can beat a card with 21 points, and only a player with a natural blackjack can beat a dealer’s 22 points.

European Blackjack

European Blackjack is another of the most popular and widely played variations of the blackjack game in online casinos around the world. This variation of the game uses at least two to eight decks of cards. The main difference between European blackjack and other blackjacks is that, in the classic game, the dealer who gets a soft 17 must take a stand. But in European blackjack, the dealer who gets a soft 17 or more can call for a hit .

In addition, there are some more rules that make European blackjack different from other variations of the blackjack game. In European blackjack, it has no insurance options. Therefore, if the player loses, all their bet money will be lost.

You should know, that in European blackjack there is a rule called no hole card. In this rule, that the dealer will only accept the second card and end the game when all players have completed the cards in their hands, whether or not to ask for hit, split, double down, and more. In other words, the dealer is the last person to finalise the card in hand.

Progressive Blackjack

The game of progressive blackjack is a variation of casino blackjack that uses four decks of tarps in play. This game has side bets alongside the main bet. It is this side bet that is later associated with the jackpot bonus. Every bet you place on the side bet, part of it will be added to the jackpot bonus. And when you manage to get a certain combination of cards, you are entitled to a share of the jackpot bonus.

Here are the card combinations that allow players to hit the jackpot bonus, as well as the amount of payout players receive. But be aware, that each casino has a different payout schedule.

  • 1 card ace free, possibility of paying 3 times double.
  • 2 cards ace of different types, likely to pay 15 times double.
  • 2 cards ace of the same type, likely to pay 50 times double.
  • 3 cards ace of different types, likely to pay 200 times double.
  • 3 cards ace of the same type, likely to pay 1000 times double.
  • 4 cards ace of different types, the possibility of paying 2000 times double.
  • 4 ace cards of the same suit, eligible for the jackpot.

Play Blackjack on Your Phone

Online casinos have become a popular phenomenon in the gambling industry more than a decade ago. With the increasingly rapid advancement of internet technology, casino players can enjoy their favourite casino games from the comfort of their homes through mobile devices, be it laptops, Android or iOS.

To be able to play casino games on your phone. You need to install the casino app first. Go to the casino website of your choice to get the QR code and then download the apk file and install it on your Android or iOS device. You should know, that casino apps are sometimes not available on the Play Store or App Store, so you need to search for them on the casino website of your choice.

Blackjack for iPhone

In some countries, mobile casino apps are sometimes not available on the App Store due to legal restrictions. Therefore, we recommend that you browse through the casino website of your choice to get information on how to install mobile casino apps on your iPhone.

Mobile casino apps on iPhone devices can run better and smoother on iOS 12. It works more stable even with a weak internet connection than if playing through the casino website.

Below is how to install casino apps on iPhone, but it may vary with each casino site.

  • Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  • Tap on ‘Swap Country or Region’.
  • Select Colombia as your country.
  • Fill in the address space as shown.
  • Then click onwards.

Then simply click the QR code on the casino website, you will then be automatically redirected to the App Store and you can find the casino app of your choice there.

Blackjack for Android

As with the mobile casino app for iPhone, to get the casino app on your Android device, you will also need to refer to the casino website of your choice. We recommend you use an Android 10 device for a better blackjack gaming experience.

Mobile casino apps on Android devices have many advantages, among which is receiving more frequent and varied updates from gaming software suppliers. This means players can expect more features such as improvements and new content. Therefore, mobile casino apps on Android devices are preferred by online casino players.

To install the mobile casino app on your Android device, all you need to do is review the QR code available on the casino website of your choice to get the apk file. After you have successfully downloaded, the next step is to install that apk file on your Android device.


The game of blackjack offers a challenging as well as fun game, this is because you need to beat the dealer to get the win and of course expect a hefty return. So, after reading the reviews in this article we hope it can give you the confidence to step up and start your next winning streak.

But remember, that whatever the form and type, gambling is always associated with risk. Therefore, it is important to maintain balance and take wise action. Hope you can make the right decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to play online blackjack?

You need to join an online casino site and register as a new member. But you need to remember, you must be 21 years of age or older, proven by a copy of a valid identification document.

Can I play online Blackjack for free at a casino?

Of course, almost all online casino sites in Malaysia offer the blackjack demo mode. You can take advantage of it by honing your playing skills, it’s free and no risk.

How does the online blackjack probability work?

Probabilities in blackjack games are generally expressed as percentages and represent the probability of winning cards in a hand. Probability is also affected by several factors, including the number of decks used, the rules, and your playing strategy.

Is winning in online blackjack entirely dependent on fate?

Not entirely, playing blackjack requires adequate skills and basic knowledge from the player himself.

Where can I play online Blackjack for real money in Malaysia?

Almost all the best online casino sites in Malaysia offer blackjack games. You can find them easily.